"One day I will find the right words, and they will be simple." — Jack Kerouac (The Dharma Bums)

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Another Saturday

I think I've finally reached that point of total denial. Will be pretty much on my own this weekend, and at work Monday and Tuesday, too. And then it's just a few "normal" days left.

But I think this attitude is probably best. Took last night just to relax and unwind. Caught up on some work stuff and enjoyed my leftover Thai from Indie from the night before. Bought a nice sixpack on the way home. Drank one. Went to bed. Woke up at 5:30 this morning and decided just to keep sleeping until it was time to head out. Made it to the gym. Ran my 10 minutes, went to kickboxing, ended up biking for 30, went into the sauna (why don't I do that more? it's fabulous), quick shower, and back up here to work to grab my glasses. Feels pretty normal to be sitting here about this time.

Not sure what the rest of the day or weekend holds. There is a neat bike ride in Rogers Park co-sponsored by the Recyclery tomorrow (www.therecyclery.org), so I'm thinking about donating my bike. But I would kind of like to just pump up the tires and get another ride or two out of it. Then again, I have access to a functional skateboard for the weekend, and time to go get mine fixed, so we'll see. Honestly, there are lots of things I would like to do, but it gets overwhelming so fast, I'm just trying not to worry about anything at all.

People are going to start coming in to look at my apartment now. That makes me sad. But it's also some incentive to go get it real cleaned up so I can have some friends this week.

Well, I'm still hacking up a lung from some mix of cigarettes, hangover, and allergies, so I better get a move-on before I sink into this chair. Also, it's a beautiful 85 degrees out now, so if I hurry, I can probably squeeze in a trip to the beach.

More about the trip soon. No energy for that now.

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